
If you love diving into the weeds of policy, here are our suggestions for how to achieve 30 million newly solar powered homes in 5 years.

Proposed Legislation

S. 2462 – Low-Income Solar Energy Act

This bill allows LIHEAP funding to be spent on solar and weatherization.

H.R.5968 – Community Solar Consumer Choice Act of 2020

This bill would require electric utilities to make community solar available to their customers.

S. 2243/H.R.4162 Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) Improvement Act 

(Sen. Smith/Rep. Spanberger) — REAP helps rural businesses with renewable energy projects, and this bill increases funding and expands the program to more rural entities.

H.R. 4852 Residential Solar Opportunity Act

(Rep.  Linda Sánchez) — Extends the residential solar investment tax credit (ITC) permanently

H.R. 3568 Affordable Solar Energy for Our Communities Act

(Rep. Tony Cárdenas) — Establishes a program to provide assistance for low-income solar projects

H.R. 2764 Community Solar Consumer Choice Act

(Rep. Kathy Castor) —  Establishes a program to increase participation in community solar and the receipt of associated benefits

These bills also include elements of our 30 Million Solar Homes report

H.R. 5183 Low-Income Housing Renewable Energy Credit
(Rep. Danny Davis)

H.R. 448 – Energy Resilient Communities Act
(Rep. Nanette Diaz Barragan)

S. 283 – National Climate Bank Act
(Sen. Ed Markey)

H.R.806 – Clean Energy and Sustainability Accelerator Act
(Rep. Debbie Dingell)

H.R.3886 – Clean Energy Victory Bond Act
(Rep. Zoe Lofgren)

S.2118 – Clean Energy for America Act
(Sen. Ron Wyden)

Supporting Solar

The National Impact

A vision for economic recovery built on climate protection and energy democracy.

Solar Policies

This document contains a set of policy recommendations to achieve the goal of 30 million solar homes.

Goals for Solar

This document outlines the goals and path to add 30 million solar rooftops.

Solar Partner Resources

The Energy Justice Workbook

This guide from the Initiative for Energy Justice is designed to help advocates by showing how the principles of energy justice can integrate with the transition to renewable energy. Click here.

Inquiry into Utility Investments that Assist in Minnesota’s Economic Recover from COVID-19

This filing from the Institute for Local Self Reliance finds that Xcel Energy’s own estimates show distributed solar creates nearly 30 times more jobs than utility scale projects do. Click here.

Energy Democracy and Equity

In a democratic energy system, regular people are making their own electricity with benefits that stay in their communities. Click here.

Community Solar

Solar United Neighbors explains how community solar works.
Click here.

Rural Electric Cooperatives

This is a collection of resources to help electric cooperative member-owners take back control of their cooperative.
Click here.